"Bell Orchestre was born in a cave raised by a bearded, toothless hag."
That is on the biography page of the Bell Orchestre, my jam of the week. There album "Recording A Tape The Colour Of The Light" came out way back when in 2005 and was recorded at the same time and in the same studio as Arcade Fire's Funeral. There must have been some osmotic exhange of ideas, because this record is amazing. They sound like Arcade Fire and Broken Social Scene without any lyrics. A plend of frenetic post-rock-pop awesomeness. Simply amazing instrumentation. They are coming out with a new album in March of 2009 and I can't wait.
I really hope you guys enjoy this song. Put this song on your ipod and go for walk and you'll be surpirsed how everything you see transforms into a beautiful experience. The dumpster with stylized grafetti finally speaks to you. Then that homeless guy you pass on your way to work, you realize is your lost lover of a past life. Ah the harmony. Seriously though, just listen to the song. Without doing anything else. It starts slow but ends with a cosmic explosion that other people around will feel and promplty ask, "What the hell rocked your world?"
i want to hear more about homeless lovers