Friday, February 20, 2009


I bring you the wonderous sounds of Coraline! First a little about the production of these perfect little numbers. They were composed by the Bruno Coulais and sung by the choir of the Hungarian national radio and orchestra. Dosen't that already sound like a snowy patch of the earth were a precocious tiny girl will be enchanted into a strange and mystical world? Shut up! Yes it does!

This music is as delicate and fragile like the worlds smallest glass rose balancing on top of a tooth pick, which of course is ontop of the empire states building. That is pretty much how the movie is as well. The use of the steriophonic harps creates this lush dreamy atomspheric, and the beautiful vocal harmonization makes it impossible for you leave. I know the music is really short, but just put it on repeat. For me, This music reminds of my childhood. Finding strange pakistani artifacts in my parents attic. They would be covered in dust, and wraped in this brilliant vermillion sheet. Urns with strange writing, thready dolls and jewlry. The atmosphere gives me the feeling that life is boundless and magical at every turn. Where you never know where the next giant beanstalk will grow.

Listen to it on repeat.

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